lundi 27 mai 2019

UPDATE : Arya's fall

A little update on this animation that I wish I'll finished one day.. soon.. and color... why not ... I had to switch between computer since my old one returned to me.. And decided to try to finish this animation.
I started the cleanup stage even though the rough is not finish and still miss a lot of inbetweens... anyway :) Here it is for tonight.  

dimanche 12 mai 2019

WIP : Arya's badass fall XD

I really don't know if that is Arya to be honest but it's inspired of her anyway XD My old computer died so I had to start new with my much more older one... I will not be able to continue the croco and other stuff for now but I won't stop working :) And sorry I can't produce gif with the pc version of Pencil 2D :'(
So here is the wip of the day. And I will for sure clean it even if I don't have any way of making a transparent layer of this rough....