This page is dedicated to all my finished work in animation. If you want to follow and see all the steps I did for most of them you can find them in the main page! 

 OSTRICH : run cycle

Another run cycle I had a lot of fun creating :) Ostrich are so cute and odd while running. I started with a rough sketch with mostly the rythme I wanted. Then anatomic study of the legs and neck, rough line clean and then color. I didn't clean the lines on this one because I wanted to do only color so here it is :) 

LIPYNC : 2D practice

  Another 2D animation I did for practice. Since I never did hands in my animations i decided to do this one focusing on hands! For the face i mostly was inspired by Klaus even though I still have some difficulties with keeping proportions and perspectives haha It was a fun animation to do anyway :)
The dialogue is from "Pincess Bride".


BORZOÏ : run cycle

  I finally finished an other cycle! I think i'm going to do a lot of animation cycle like this on because it's a great exercise which allow me to revisit Muybridge "Animal Locomotion" (the main inspiration for those two cycle : the dog and the caribou). I also learned a great deal about anatomy!
       I don't know yet what will be the next animal but I'm happy I finished this one! No shadow pass for him because it's more light and feathery this way :) The dog's design is inspired by a dog's breed called "Borzoï". They are very funny looking and moving!

KARIBOU : trot cycle 

It's been a while since I did some 2D animation. So here it is!!  Enjoy the steps (line, color and shadow). Also this is the first time i really try to do some shadows.... I really enjoyed all the process :) More to come.


ARYA'S FALL : 2D bodymecha practice 

I forgot to post the finished version of Arya's fall!!! A lot of mistakes still but it was such a long time ago now... I've learned from it :)
Finished version bellow :

RACCOON : Jedi raccoon

All is missing is his lightsaber now :) and I choose not do to him a tail because I think it would complicate the image :/ there is already a lot going on and since we see him mostly from front side..... not necessary... :) anyway I'll do his little lightsaber and it WILL BE DONE XD I'm so tired and happy XD long live 2D animation :)

LIPSYNC : 3D practice with Ray rig

This time I had to practice a bit of 3D lipsync :) I used Ray rig and a quote from "The Saint" :
    "-Sorry... I'm not really good with people" ....

3D CYCLE : 3D run and trot cycle practice

Little practice I did for pleasure and practice (and job hunting haha). Some quadruped cycles using the rig "OX" by Truong :).  And a little jumping bull I did too using the same rig :) I love quadruped sooo much!!!

LIPSYNC : 2D lipsync practice

That's the final clean  ^^ I have to do other things so I don't know for the color but it's all clean now ^^

FIRST 2D CYCLE : first of many I hope (it was done so many years ago now) 

Well... It's been a while ^^ But i'm coming back on this blog with some new stuff!! Here are some 2D animation i'm currently working on for fun ^^ It's a water horse in progress ^^ (yes it's a bit jumpy on the back but it's on purpose )

PIPAS : ballerina cycle

A little fan gif on a tv serie I worked for. It's called Pipas And Douglas and it has been done by Studio Hari ^^ All episodes are available on the france 3's website . And I was a lot inspired by : 

2D ROUGH : horse jump rough

Just sharing a very rough work in progress.... done with flash... but I discovered another animation software since then.... so I guess i'll have to do it agin XD

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