jeudi 30 juillet 2020

OSTRICH : run cycle

Another run cycle I had a lot of fun creating :) Ostrich are so cute and odd while running. I started with a rough sketch with mostly the rythme I wanted. Then anatomic study of the legs and neck, rough line clean and then color. I didn't clean the lines on this one because I wanted to do only color so here it is :) 

vendredi 5 juin 2020

animation 2D test : Marriage

Another 2D animation I did for practice. Since I never did hands in my animations i decided to do this one focusing on hands! For the face i mostly was inspired by Klaus even though I still have some difficulties with keeping proportions and perspectives haha It was a fun animation to do anyway :)
The dialogue is from "Pincess Bride".

dimanche 10 mai 2020

Borzoï run

       I finally finished an other cycle! I think i'm going to do a lot of animation cycle like this on because it's a great exercise which allow me to revisit Muybridge "Animal Locomotion" (the main inspiration for those two cycle : the dog and the caribou). I also learned a great deal about anatomy!
       I don't know yet what will be the next animal but I'm happy I finished this one! No shadow pass for him because it's more light and feathery this way :) The dog's design is inspired by a dog's breed called "Borzoï". They are very funny looking and moving!

dimanche 12 avril 2020

Caribou Trot

It's been a while since I did some 2D animation. So here it is!!  Enjoy the steps (line, color and shadow). Also this is the first time i really try to do some shadows.... I really enjoyed all the process :) More to come.